Manufacturers make quartz boats, or quartz glass, by melting silica-based materials, like quartz and silica sand, at high temperatures. Quartz glass has a much higher silica content than ordinary glass. It typically reaches 99.999%. Quartz glass has excellent optical properties. It transmits visible light very well. It also transmits ultraviolet and infrared rays. Quartz boat is a good, acid-resistant material. It resists sulfuric, nitric, and hydrochloric acids, aqua regia, neutral salts, carbon, and sulfur at high temperatures.

Quartz Galss Boat

Quartz Galss Boat
It does not resist hydrofluoric acid or hot phosphoric acid above 300°C. Quartz boat is 30 times more stable than acid-resistant ceramics. It is 150 times better than nickel-chromium alloys and ceramics. Quartz boat can withstand high temperatures and thermal shock. It has a very low thermal expansion. Quartz glass has excellent electrical properties. At room temperature, its resistance is ten times that of ordinary glass. Its dielectric loss is very small for all frequencies. It has a high insulation breakdown strength. Quartz glass can resist cosmic radiation. It blocks nuclear fission products.
Application Industries
Quartz glass is mainly used in electric lights, semiconductors, and new optics.
Manufacturers use new light sources to make:
high-pressure mercury lamps
long-arc xenon lamps
iodine tungsten lamps
thallium iodide lamps
infrared lamps
sterilization lamps
In the semiconductor industry, it is vital for making semiconductor materials and devices. Manufacturers use it to make crucibles, boats, furnace tubes, and bell jars for growing germanium and silicon crystals.
New technologies use it in:
radar ultrasonic delay lines
infrared tracking and direction finding
infrared photography
large astronomical telescope reflector windows
high-temperature operating windows
reactors and radioactive devices
rocket and missile nose cones, nozzles, and antenna covers
radio insulation parts for satellites
radiation and thermal balances
vacuum adsorption devices
precision casting
Quartz boats are also used in the chemical, metallurgical, electrical, and research industries.
In the chemical industry, manufacturers can use it to make:
High-temperature, acid-resistant gas combustion, cooling, and ventilation devices.
Acid solution evaporation and cooling absorption storage devices.
Distilled water, hydrochloric acid, nitric acid, sulfuric acid, and other lab supplies.
It can make parts for high-temperature industries. They are: optical glass crucibles, fluorescent body gas, electric furnace core tubes, and gas-combustion radiators.
In optics, quartz glass and its wool can make rocket nozzles, heat shields, and windows for spacecraft.
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